I Am The One: The number one qualified CEO of me

I Am The One: The number one qualified CEO of me

I am the one I have been looking for all along. That has not always been the case. Searching for myself in all the wrong places sent me on a mission impossible. I am the one I have been looking for all along. That has not always been the case. Searching for myself in all the wrong places sent me on a mission impossible. Adorning the title of wife (my first spirations as a little girl), mom, and mom mom are nothing to shrink back from. I...

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Oneness In Marriage

Oneness In Marriage

Tommi and I have been talking about oneness, and the importance of individuality. Why is this important? God has made us each unique in our own way. Individuality is being who you are, just as God created YOU. This type of diversity is important to a relationship. By Troy Vincent Sr. Communication is key to bringing that diversity into agreement. So often we are not flexible on our positions. In relationships, there are constant negotiations toward common agreement. It can range from buying a car, raising children, managing external relationships,  where do we want to go for dinner,  our next family vacation, to what the family agenda is...

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Drinking from wells we did not dig

Drinking from wells we did not dig

John Robert Lewis, Elijah Cummings, Charles Evers, Reverend C.T. Vivian, Fred L. Davis, Reverend Dr. Joseph Echols Lowery…these are just some of the legendary names of the civil rights movement who have passed on this year. By Troy Vincent Sr. A generation of visionaries who put their thoughts to action in changing society for the better has passed the baton of equality and justice to a new generation, now more than ever awakened to the challenges of racism, economic and educational disparity, and equality.  What have we learned? What have they taught...

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Love, Action, Teamwork

Love, Action, Teamwork

This challenge of COVID 19 has left many questioning the future, perhaps even their faith. One thing for certain, this is a fight that we all must be in together. By Troy Vincent Sr. Just like being part of a team, our attitudes toward life have a tremendous impact on how we work together toward the common mission. Our actions and our words have lasting impact, and can be the difference between winning and losing, success and failure, and in some cases, between life and death. An encouraging word...

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The Talk

The Talk

Last Friday, our middle son Taron was excited to get back to campus in Columbus, Ohio, a six-hour drive from our home in Virginia. Partially excerpted from http://TheAthletic.co Before he left, I began my normal routine of getting his car ready by checking every headlight and tail light, and making sure the brake lights were working properly. I located his insurance card and registration, and double checked that he had his drivers license. My son Taron is 19 years old,...

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Fear vs Faith

Fear vs Faith

Is it possible to walk by faith and be afraid. Absolutely! Faith will push you through your fears over into your hope for tomorrow. By Troy Vincent As America begins planning the return to what will now be our new way of doing things. Soon, people will be going back to work, to school, and even their past times. In all of this, we must strike a balance between reasonable concerns and returning to some form of normality. It comes down to answering the question: What is driving you today, fear...

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Maximize The Moment

Maximize The Moment

During our prolonged season of physical distancing, families are being forced to engage with one another. The term “forced” sounds as intended, the choice has been taken away. By Tommi Vincent During our prolonged season of physical distancing, families are being forced to engage with one another. The term “forced” sounds as intended, the choice has been taken away. With the exception of a few meltdowns and squabbles here and there, I am proud to report we really do love each other. I...

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Thomas Thyme’s Crab Mac & Cheese

Thomas Thyme’s Crab Mac & Cheese

Thomas Thyme is in Vincent Country making his famous Crab Macaroni and Cheese. Pull up a seat, you are in for a yummy treat. This legacy-inspired recipe comes from his aunt, known throughout the family for her macaroni and cheese. Thomas has taken her recipe to the next level adding an entire dedicated layer of...

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Funfetti Cupcakes

Funfetti Cupcakes

We never need permission to celebrate ourselves. You are worthy of a celebration! Enjoy my funfetti cupcakes for any occasion, especially the special occasion of YOU.

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The silent screams in the shadows – Teenage Domestic Abuse

The silent screams in the shadows – Teenage Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence does not have a type. Perpetrators do not discriminate. People of all races, gender, age, religion, socioeconomic backgrounds are impacted by this spirit breaking, bone crushing and sometimes deadly behavior. There are many indicators the relationship is unhealthy and headed down a destructive path; however, none of that sticks out as problematic. In the scheme of things, it is not a big deal. The idea of a boyfriend is nice. When he becomes possessive of time, isolates her from friends, it feels a bit flattering. Somewhat a barometer of how much he cares.

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Choose To Be Great

Choose To Be Great

God will make the most out of the least. After all His power is revealed in our weakness – II Corinthians 12:9. By Tommi Vincent People (well intentioned logical people) will try to talk you out of your courage to press beyond what you consider to be a limitation. God usually chooses the person least likely to achieve. He is not limited by your limitations. God always causes us to see who we really are before He...

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Spicy Peach Bourbon Wings

Spicy Peach Bourbon Wings

Heat and sweet, the perfect combination for game time chicken wings. I will eat just one said no one ever. Get ready to lick your fingers and suck on the bone. These Spicy Peach Bourbon Wings are delicious!

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Can Your Children Mimic Your Behavior?

Can Your Children Mimic Your Behavior?

Inevitably children grow up and hopefully bloom into their own lives. That time is nothing you can plan for. Maybe better stated, the flood of emotions cannot be planned for. By Tommi Vincent To date we have had two of our children go off to college, and yet as we cross this bridge once again, it does not get any easier. It gives us great joy to consider our children moving forward into the next chapter of their life, but this does not come without...

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Time And Change

Time And Change

Time and change are two commodities that we all have in common. This is something that we are all afforded time every day and change is the inevitable. Now—let’s study what we do with our time and how we adjust to change. In examining both of these commodities, it becomes a real good picture of...

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Many Roads to Travel in Life, Choose the One with Your Name on It

Many Roads to Travel in Life, Choose the One with Your Name on It

Challenges build character and fortitude. They are also preparation for the many lessons we will encounter throughout our life. No one will be exempt from hard times, but the difference will be our ability to endure and finish our God given races. We often find ourselves looking to someone else’s path and comparing it to...

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Building Legacy for the Generations to Come

Building Legacy for the Generations to Come

As we are coming off the summer filled with family time and holidays, there has been daily of reflection. As Tommi and I watch the maturing of our youngest two children—twins Hadassah and Tanner—and soon depart for college, being at our homestead in North Carolina with family, this reflection was a great reminder of my grandparents, both Jefferson and Julia Vincent as well other ancestors. The...

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Why Wait? Strike Now, Get Results

Why Wait? Strike Now, Get Results

This is the time of year when many individuals start making their resolutions for what they want to accomplish in the next year. Many are putting forth in thoughts and words to improve both their personal and professional lives. We hear declarations the size of a mountain: “I’m going to lose weight;” “We’re going to declutter the garage;” “Next year, I’m going...

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Choosing Positivity

Choosing Positivity

A positive attitude is a huge determinant of success and a healthy mind and body. Our mindset can make the difference in whether we have good days or bad days, find joy or sadness, even how our friends, colleagues and family engage with us. It has to do with not only what we say, how we...

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The definition of stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. We are often striving for more, it’s an “I” appetite--that promotion, new car, new home, bigger yard, more money, more, more, more. But is our “I’s” bigger than our need?

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Service Is A Choice

Service Is A Choice

The Golden Rule—treat others how you wish to be treated, and love your neighbor as yourself are principals to live by. It is this guiding light that is needed more today than ever as we face the curses of fear, anger and division on a daily basis. It is upon this cornerstone that change occurs...

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Leadership And Handling Anxiety

Leadership And Handling Anxiety

If you are a parent, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, grandparent, boss, co-worker or a friend, chances are you are a leader, whether you accept it or not. There is a person or many people who look up to you and take your cue as to how to handle the issues of life. They learn from you. You are a mentor. We all know that with life comes challenges and opportunities. Handling those challenges not only allows you to grow as a leader and as a...

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Mother’s Day Brunch – Moms this ones for you!

Mother’s Day Brunch – Moms this ones for you!

Nothing says Mother’s Day like brunch. I can assure mom loves it to, however what she does not like is the mess that comes along with the family breaking out all the pots, pans, and dishes! I am here to help with a super easy brunch menu that looks spectacular and taste amazing. This brunch...

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Good Company

Good Company

There is an ancient proverb that says “Bad company corrupts good character.” It is so true. As parents, we often keep close tabs on who our children are hanging out with because we want to make sure they don’t run with a bad crowd. It also holds true with our spouse or partner.  By Troy Vincent There are so many stories that we can recall where a good kid thought he or she could change someone’s questionable character, and ends up being influenced in a negative way. A speaker discussing successful marriages once made the tongue-in-cheek statement, “When a man sees a woman he wants to marry, he wants...

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Crisis Exposes Our Preparedness

Crisis Exposes Our Preparedness

The coronavirus pandemic has come upon us suddenly. It is historic and we are living through it. In life, there are many unexpected things that we face each day. By Troy Vincent The coronavirus pandemic has come upon us suddenly. It is historic and we are living through it. In life, there are many unexpected things that we face each day. We learn to deal with them, as a result of our ability to adapt with experience. It is when unexpected challenges like coronavirus...

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Blueberry Biscuits

Blueberry Biscuits

If there is one recipe to add to your repertoire, it is my blueberry biscuits. This recipe was developed at a Vincent Country Women’s Retreat. The secret ingredient is love. There are certain foods that go straight to your soul, soul to soul food! It is perfect for ...
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Seafood Dip with Biscuit Dippers & Pineapple Punch

Seafood Dip with Biscuit Dippers & Pineapple Punch

Entertaining has never been easier! Whether you are hosting a few or many, a great host    knows how to get the party started.  I am dishing up two crowd pleasing recipes – Seafood Dip w/ Buttery Herb Biscuit Dippers and a Pineapple Punch Bowl. Both recipes are super easy and ...
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Your Influence

Your Influence

By Troy Vincent You don’t have to be a world-class athlete, a Fortune 500 executive, a pastor or a media personality to influence people. In fact, you have gifts that are unique to your very own personality that can make a difference in the lives of others. It starts with service. How you serve others is a step toward...

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Beef Stew

Beef Stew

During the holiday season time waits for no one. The nights and days start to blend together. We are busy planning for the big dinner, especially the week leading into the holiday. I do not know about you, but I get so deep into the preparation ...
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