
Why Wait? Strike Now, Get Results

Why Wait? Strike Now, Get Results

This is the time of year when many individuals start making their resolutions for what they want to accomplish in the next year. Many are putting forth in thoughts and words to improve both their personal and professional lives. We hear declarations the size of a mountain: “I’m going to lose weight;” “We’re going to declutter the garage;” “Next year, I’m going...

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Leadership And Handling Anxiety

Leadership And Handling Anxiety

If you are a parent, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, grandparent, boss, co-worker or a friend, chances are you are a leader, whether you accept it or not. There is a person or many people who look up to you and take your cue as to how to handle the issues of life. They learn from you. You are a mentor. We all know that with life comes challenges and opportunities. Handling those challenges not only allows you to grow as a leader and as a...

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Mother’s Day Brunch – Moms this ones for you!

Mother’s Day Brunch – Moms this ones for you!

Nothing says Mother’s Day like brunch. I can assure mom loves it to, however what she does not like is the mess that comes along with the family breaking out all the pots, pans, and dishes! I am here to help with a super easy brunch menu that looks spectacular and taste amazing. This brunch...

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Because I Said So

Because I Said So

By Tommi Vincent Raising children is an honor and privilege that must not be taken lightly. Our parenting style is largely shaped by how we were raised. As a child I can vividly recall moments when I swore, I would not be like my mom or dad. Of course, this was in the moments when...

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