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Coarse Blue Grits

May 12, 2018

It is always fun to take a very traditional staple and funk it up. VINCENT COUNTRY loves grits! I decided to use blue coarse grits instead of traditional grits. To me there is a nuttier flavor and they cook up smoother. They are not a typical grit found in the grocery store, at least I have not found them. I order them fresh from a milling company. It is a fairly simple recipe. My tip is to stir often.


  • 6 c. water
  • 1 T Salt
  • 2 c. Blue coarse grits
  • 8 oz. mascarpone
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Put water and salt into a saucepan, bring to a boil.

  2. Reduce water to medium, add grits while stirring constantly with a whisk.

  3. Add mascarpone to grits, continue to stir consistently.

  4. Reduce heat to low and cover. Be sure to whisk every 5 minutes.

  5. Salt and pepper to taste.

  6. Cook for 30 minutes.