
Good Company

Good Company

There is an ancient proverb that says “Bad company corrupts good character.” It is so true. As parents, we often keep close tabs on who our children are hanging out with because we want to make sure they don’t run with a bad crowd. It also holds true with our spouse or partner.  By Troy Vincent There are so many stories that we can recall where a good kid thought he or she could change someone’s questionable character, and ends up being influenced in a negative way. A speaker discussing successful marriages once made the tongue-in-cheek statement, “When a man sees a woman he wants to marry, he wants...

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Oneness In Marriage

Oneness In Marriage

Tommi and I have been talking about oneness, and the importance of individuality. Why is this important? God has made us each unique in our own way. Individuality is being who you are, just as God created YOU. This type of diversity is important to a relationship. By Troy Vincent Sr. Communication is key to bringing that diversity into agreement. So often we are not flexible on our positions. In relationships, there are constant negotiations toward common agreement. It can range from buying a car, raising children, managing external relationships,  where do we want to go for dinner,  our next family vacation, to what the family agenda is...

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A Wife’s Perspective on the “S” Word!

A Wife’s Perspective on the “S” Word!

Written by Tommi Vincent Right off the back I am going to use a word that has become a bad word- “submission”. Yes, the “s” word! Submission has been so distorted to point of diminished value. This is woefully unfortunate, because there is a sustaining power that is given to a wife with this one...

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